How to use myHeartyKid
The HeartyKid doll, along with complementary tools and products, empowers kids to practice the powerful art of affirmations and intentions in the comfort of their home, while encouraging meaningful conversations between kids and parents or guardians about their feelings, fears, worries, and dreams.
*Each day, it’s vital to talk about your kids’ intentions and affirmations to determine if he or she is both grasping the concepts and seeing positive shifts because of it. No matter what, it is important to have FUN and explore what works best for your family to drive lasting change – Lisa Pepper-Satkin.
The classroom is fertile soil for the seeds of self-esteem to be cultivated. Employing the HeartyKid program at school provides an optimal way through which kids come to understand the importance of positive thinking and affirmations. In the classroom, the HeartyKid doll — a symbol of love and comfort — is passed from one student to the next. The student holding the doll stands at the front of the room while classmates share what they like or love about him/her. The affirmations and positive words are written down and given to the child to take home and read over, again and again, as a constant reminder of their self worth.
*HeartyKid for the classroom comes with curriculum to teach teachers how to talk about things like affirmations, intentions, goal setting, dream building, growing our inner LIKE button, building empathy, paying it forward, anti-bullying, etc. with students.
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