myHeartyKid Love

Why HeartyKid: A positive sense of self is one of the greatest gifts you can give a child. Children with high self-esteem feel loved, competent, and develop into happy, productive people. HeartyKid offers a simple, actionable ways for parents, teachers, and guardians to engage with their children around positive thinking and empower them with the tools necessary to thrive into adulthood.

“When a child’s confidence increases their world opens up, doors fly open that had been locked tight, and their world just seems so much more full of possibility and wonder.  Risk taking improves with the clarity of knowing that if they don’t succeed they will still be very much ok.  It’s beautiful!  myHeartyKid allows this process to unfold powerfully.”
Tracey Herman-Broome, MFT, mother of 2

“My Son Wyatt is a kind, loving, caring child who shows such amazing compassion for other people. He is also our middle child who at times gets lost in the shuffle of my other children and more than often gets left with the short end of the stick. My Hearty Kid empowered him to be confident in what he does and in who he is. Wyatt is my hearty kid! His love of life and passion to learn, is what gives me confidence. Every parent should experience “My Hearty Kid” with their child. It will open up doors to learn more about your child and yourself!”
Emy Everett, Mom of 3, PTA President

“What do I love about Hearty Kid?   I love that my dear friend is following her dream. I love that her dream makes so many other people feel good about themselves. I love being in the classroom and watching her help kids recognize the best things about themselves and each other. I love that my daughter has this incredible tool to comfort her when she is sad, give her strength when she is feeling insecure and inspire her to be who and what she wants to be despite her fears. Oh what I would give to have had Hearty Kid in my nine-year-old life! Thank you Lisa!”
– Ann Haupert, mother of Ella and two others

“Every teaching is powerful in a different way. Just like our own individual systems. It’s fantastic that you present the ideas in a way the kids make it their own!”
Barbara Chisholm, Instructional Coach, SFUSD